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Публикации rst630

14 публикаций создано rst630 (учитываются публикации только с 04-Июнь 23)

#90017 еще сайты

Отправлено от rst630 20 Июнь 2007 - 11:12 в Новичкам

я понимаю что есть а какие? :)
стримрей не катит

а чем это вам стримрей не катит?

#90311 какрта видеозахвата

Отправлено от rst630 24 Июнь 2007 - 16:25 в Технические вопросы

С Аверами вопросов нет.

да ладно вам на аверы гнать ;) как низайду так модели жалуются что то камера непашет то монитор трясет :D
А в какомто топике даже увидел ярое сопротивление непомню от кого и кому в стиле "с чего вы взяли что вы (оврены студий) умнее моделей" :DDD

#90318 типы комнат

Отправлено от rst630 24 Июнь 2007 - 17:05 в Новичкам

на сайте у них есть раздел промоушн. где распиано что и сколько стоит.

а вообще какие есть способы самостоятельной раскрутки? и что наиболее эффективно

1) Валера ты как обычно отжигаеш :D

2) Промоушн они не делают, они только говорят что делают его но дальше слов никуда и ничего не двигается... я не о том что они берут 300$ и нифига не делают, я о том что им лень походу 300 брать еще и делать чето ;) Покрайней мере когда я просил их поадвертить моделей, они попросили фотки выслать и анкету заполнить, заполнил выслал, сказали через неделю ответим. Прошло два месяца, периодами я их попинывал в асе, но ответа нету досихпор :D

3) самый правильный способ раскрутки это много работать, и если модель нормальная и нормально разводит на приваты и not so shy как говорится, то раскрутится через месяц другой.

P.S. если че я в асе, можеш обращаться :)

#93597 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 13:20 в Трёп

кинул в стримэйте свое яху, модель добавила его в свое яху и понеслось. Лишний раз доказывает что ненадо с мемберами с сайтов пересекаться в яху. Лог конечно большой но для развития можете потратить время и дочитать до конца.

model (23.07.2007 14:05:16): hey
model (23.07.2007 14:05:23): they kill me for that contact
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:05:30): hi hun
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:05:39): is $200 ok?
model (23.07.2007 14:05:43): ok
model (23.07.2007 14:05:49): what type of payment?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:05:49): maybe more next time more photos
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:05:52): ok babe?
model (23.07.2007 14:05:54): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:05:56): western union
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:05:57): ?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:06:01): u know it?
model (23.07.2007 14:06:13): only after i get cash
model (23.07.2007 14:06:14): ok?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:06:31): sure..all photos after cash
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:06:39): but what kind of camera you have?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:06:43): digital?
model (23.07.2007 14:07:05): course
model (23.07.2007 14:07:12): about 3000x3000pix
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:08:00): ok..can send me a few samples to see if the 3000x3000 is not too large....? i want excellent resolution of body for $200
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:08:03): is ok?
model (23.07.2007 14:08:16): not nude ok?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:08:27): of ass if ok?
model (23.07.2007 14:08:38): no i cant do it now
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:08:51): please
model (23.07.2007 14:08:57): only in clothes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:08:59): i am going western union in 2 hours
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:09:09): need to see if good camera
model (23.07.2007 14:09:16): anyway dont want send photos when i nude before i dont get cash
model (23.07.2007 14:09:26): trust cam is good
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:10:18): i think $200 is fair..but a samples is fair also
model (23.07.2007 14:10:37): doesnt matter how much, always 1st money
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:10:49): I spend $400 on some photos last week on girl
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:10:53): $50 photos
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:11:02): was samples and she was glad to do it
model (23.07.2007 14:11:46): i would't send nude samples
model (23.07.2007 14:14:13): lol dont hypnose me
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:14:29): i show you real thing tomorrow
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:14:38): my cam is at my other home in miami
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:14:41): south beach
model (23.07.2007 14:14:43): are u owner of studio?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:14:50): nooo
model (23.07.2007 14:14:52): selling content to paysites?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:14:57): i own 4 jewelry stores
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:15:25): i just buy photos of pretty girls and look at home a few days and delete them
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:15:29): is not bad
model (23.07.2007 14:15:38): its all cool but I cant belive u
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:15:48): well i am sorry
model (23.07.2007 14:15:54): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:16:13): i tried to be fair with first fotos at $200
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:16:13): then if good I pay more later
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:16:19): you decide
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:16:26): i want what makes u happy
model (23.07.2007 14:16:29): no sorry
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:17:15): i never had a girl who was serious not refuse to send me samples..only the few that did refuse took my money and never send nothing
model (23.07.2007 14:17:48): i offered u non nude samples for check cam quality
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:18:55): and u could send 25 non nude fotos also after u get 200
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:18:55): right
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:19:01): is why i ask nude or ass
model (23.07.2007 14:19:24): wait i try to search something
model (23.07.2007 14:25:06): accept
model (23.07.2007 14:26:31): hey whats happend?
model (23.07.2007 14:27:25): dont want?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:29:08): im back
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:29:11): had fone
model (23.07.2007 14:29:21): accept photo sharing
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:29:28): yes but i dont know if I can trust you with all the money I spend
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:29:41): you make me think when you refused samples
model (23.07.2007 14:29:55): dont want samples?
model (23.07.2007 14:29:59): then cancel
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:30:35): for all i know someone else is typing
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:30:37): not even you
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:30:41): what is your name?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:30:44): my name is andre
model (23.07.2007 14:30:48): Lida
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:04): relly?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:07): really?
model (23.07.2007 14:31:16): what strange?
model (23.07.2007 14:31:20): course really
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:22): she is not typing
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:25): who is typing???
model (23.07.2007 14:31:32): who not typing?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:38): the giurl
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:41): girl
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:42): lida??
model (23.07.2007 14:31:50): im typing
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:50): who was typing when she was laying
model (23.07.2007 14:31:51): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:31:55): no hands on keyboard??
model (23.07.2007 14:32:21): lol where u c me?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:32:46): i am cautious when i spend my $$$ on photos ok?
model (23.07.2007 14:32:56): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:32:58): i like to get trust while i accept trust
model (23.07.2007 14:33:13): I already said if u dont wanna it then dont wasting my time and yrs
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:33:27): why not let lida type
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:33:33): a\\its her money
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:33:34): will be??
model (23.07.2007 14:33:59): cause he dont know english
model (23.07.2007 14:34:07): she work with translator
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:34:35): she russian?
model (23.07.2007 14:34:39): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:35:09): i like ass mostly ok?
model (23.07.2007 14:35:30): I will dont do new photos now, samples I have
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:35:49): sample of largest doggy style at 3000 and i be happy complete the transaction when i go to the bank in an hour
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:35:52): up to her
model (23.07.2007 14:36:47): accept?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:37:18): if it not nude I wont accept
model (23.07.2007 14:37:30): bye
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:37:50): i had girl trick me before for nonnude when i wanted nude..it cost me $300
model (23.07.2007 14:38:02): ok enought
model (23.07.2007 14:38:03): bye
model (23.07.2007 14:38:23): i think that u are time waster
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:38:48): i think you dont know anything about negotiating
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:38:58): i can prove you who I am
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:39:02): can you?
model (23.07.2007 14:39:08): byeeee
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:39:34): tell her you costing her to lose $200..maybe $200 every week
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:39:37): hope u happy
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:39:40): mister translator
model (23.07.2007 14:39:47): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:43:02): what is your name mister translator?
model (23.07.2007 14:43:17): doesnt matter
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:43:30): i think it does
model (23.07.2007 14:43:31): mister time waster
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:44:23): Вы не говорите с бедным мальчиком.
model (23.07.2007 14:44:59): lol dont use auto translators
model (23.07.2007 14:45:08): if u so rich then be happy
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:45:12): если Вы хотите некоторое реальное доказательство, ждут до завтра. Я иду к банку скоро.
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:45:14): hahaha
model (23.07.2007 14:45:36): and what u will do in bank? DDDD
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:45:55): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:45:59): ждите и см..
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:46:37): it is too bad lida cant speak for herself
model (23.07.2007 14:46:56): she know all of yr phrase
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:47:03): i bet
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:47:55): she would keep $10 and you and the studio get $190 pf my money..which is suppose to go to her..all to her..only her
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:48:15): is why i do this also
model (23.07.2007 14:48:19): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:48:21): to help the girls
model (23.07.2007 14:48:22): this is not a studio
model (23.07.2007 14:48:25): and im her husband
model (23.07.2007 14:48:27):
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:48:32): sure
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:48:35): prove it?
model (23.07.2007 14:48:42): how?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:48:52): your a smart guy?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:48:56): u think of way
model (23.07.2007 14:49:24): We have all days like u guys who offer some deals
model (23.07.2007 14:49:32): and neverone pay for us
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:49:35): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:49:47): but CAN THEY PROOVE IT LIKE I CAN TOMORROW??/
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:49:49): omg
model (23.07.2007 14:50:00): how u can prove?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:50:31): when I go to my other home on south beach I have a cam there I told you..I can show you things you could only dream of
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:50:34):
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:50:37):
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:50:51): after I get from my bank of course
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:51:13): I hope you like the color green
model (23.07.2007 14:51:13): i said its cool that u rich man
model (23.07.2007 14:51:24): but its not item for trust u
model (23.07.2007 14:51:35): so rich and worry about 200$ lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:51:38): I can make a person trust me
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:51:42): not worry buddy
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:51:58): is why I am rich
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:52:05): I dont like to get scammed
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:52:15): I am careful with all my transactions
model (23.07.2007 14:52:17): cause u wanna show me deamly things DD
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:52:30): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:52:33): you funny
model (23.07.2007 14:52:37): u too
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:52:38): I like your style
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:52:47): but I am serious and you will find out
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:52:49):
model (23.07.2007 14:54:20): serius men always prepaid
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:54:41): assholes and dummies also
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:54:41): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:55:07): lida likes gold ?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:55:12): or platinum?
model (23.07.2007 14:56:22): she says gold
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:56:29): ok wait
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:56:44): let me pull up my sample chart from one of my stores
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:56:46): brb
model (23.07.2007 14:56:48): heh wabba offer her gold?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:59:51): platinum is best
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:59:54): take a look
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 14:59:59): lida
model (23.07.2007 15:00:12): ok
model (23.07.2007 15:00:16): she likes only gold
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:00:42): you never know until she sees these
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:01:21): ok she want gold
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:01:25): take look this
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:01:48): diamond alone is 8 karats of diamond
model (23.07.2007 15:01:59): cool
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:03:17): tell her to choose 1 ring..her favorite..and must know an exact ring size by wednesday
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:03:39): send back the foto of the ring she wants
model (23.07.2007 15:05:33): she thinking that is turkish gold
model (23.07.2007 15:05:38): very yellow she said
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:05:57): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:06:00): r u crazy?
model (23.07.2007 15:06:31): i am????
model (23.07.2007 15:06:46): lida maybe
model (23.07.2007 15:06:55): i dont understand anything in gold
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:07:07): do you deal in precious metals on a daily basis?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:07:40): damn
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:07:53): you just cant satisfy some people I guess
model (23.07.2007 15:08:27): she choose that
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:09:30): if she do not know her exact size..she need to go to a jewel store there and ask them to measure her finger she wants it on...precise and exact
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:09:40): i see no ring
model (23.07.2007 15:09:47): lol sorry
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:09:50): only photos fully clothed
model (23.07.2007 15:10:25): now c?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:10:50): yes..that ring is very popular..if I was girl I would want it
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:11:05): now listen
model (23.07.2007 15:11:05):
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:11:23): if she do not know her exact size..she need to go to a jewel store there and ask them to measure her finger she wants it on...precise and exact
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:11:36): 15
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:11:40): 15.5
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:11:41): 16
model (23.07.2007 15:11:42): she must know, she is in bath now
model (23.07.2007 15:11:42): wait
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:11:43): etc
model (23.07.2007 15:12:08): 16-17 she says
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:12:12): can i see her when she out of tub?
model (23.07.2007 15:12:16): 16.5 lets
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:12:22): must be 100% sure
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:12:25): no guessing
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:12:35): this is not $50 ring
model (23.07.2007 15:13:16): these are 17
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:13:18): size?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:13:24): exact?
model (23.07.2007 15:13:28): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:13:35): you want 17?
model (23.07.2007 15:13:39): 16.5 she said
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:13:44): or 16.5?
model (23.07.2007 15:13:49): 16.5
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:13:55): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:14:00): if your 100% sure
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:14:15): then this is what I will have my ring fitter size it at
model (23.07.2007 15:14:15): doesnt matter for me she must sure
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:14:44): she was not in tub?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:14:46): she not wet
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:14:47):
model (23.07.2007 15:15:03): she dont wet hair
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:15:13): cam not works
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:15:16): it froze?
model (23.07.2007 15:15:23): nop
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:15:41): here it is
model (23.07.2007 15:16:08): what now?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:16:13): is no cam
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:16:16): all gone
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:17:34): ask her if she likes neckalce?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:17:38): necklace
model (23.07.2007 15:18:09): she said yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:18:11): but....
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:18:51): if I send this i want a lot in return........this is extravegant
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:18:55): wait
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:18:57): 1 minute
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:19:11): let me log back into my stores compter samples
model (23.07.2007 15:19:16): she dont say that she want it
model (23.07.2007 15:19:19): she onlylike
model (23.07.2007 15:20:57): she said better one ring
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:21:10): ok
model (23.07.2007 15:21:57): lets decide about samples now
model (23.07.2007 15:22:05): u was c two?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:22:17): not nude
model (23.07.2007 15:22:21): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:22:37): i know they was not nude
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:22:38): the ones i saw
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:22:45): i didnt even download therm
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:22:56): only saw the thumbnails
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:23:10): i buy only nude photods
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:23:14): photos
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:23:44): does lida see what i type now?
model (23.07.2007 15:23:51): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:23:54): lida..can you turn show ass?
model (23.07.2007 15:24:02): she have 2nd display
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:24:36): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:24:41): lida..can you turn show ass?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:24:47): if u see my typing?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:25:07): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:25:15): can make a sample like that pose
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:25:19): 3000x3000
model (23.07.2007 15:25:34): not now we havent digital cam at home
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:25:44): its ok
model (23.07.2007 15:25:44): max 1024x768 we can now
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:25:57): i wait until i go to my other home at south beach
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:26:09): we do tomorrow
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:26:12): you be here?
model (23.07.2007 15:26:16): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:26:26): aftter 20:00
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:26:27): ok?
model (23.07.2007 15:26:43): how much time u have now?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:26:43): after
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:03): 04:27
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:17): im in miami florida
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:18): you?
model (23.07.2007 15:27:19): night?
model (23.07.2007 15:27:23): 15:27
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:24): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:36): you in tomsk?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:39): perm?
model (23.07.2007 15:27:39): nop
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:41): ekaterinburg?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:43): st p?
model (23.07.2007 15:27:44): nop
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:27:55): moscow?
model (23.07.2007 15:27:59): novosibirsk
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:28:02): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:28:14): you siberia girl
model (23.07.2007 15:28:21): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:28:29): listen
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:29:02): when ring rerady i ship either U.P.S. or FEDEX
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:29:12): you have a preference?
model (23.07.2007 15:29:23): doesnt matter
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:29:37): you have to sign for it
model (23.07.2007 15:29:47): no
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:29:58): it will be an insured delivery
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:29:58): no?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:29:58): yes you will
model (23.07.2007 15:30:17): it will delivered to room?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:30:34): need some sort of address or aprtment number
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:30:38): street
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:30:40): ?
model (23.07.2007 15:30:47): ok u'll get it
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:31:00): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:31:07): bye the end of this week
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:31:08): ok?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:31:10): by
model (23.07.2007 15:31:13): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:31:46): cam went off?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:31:51): or u go home?
model (23.07.2007 15:31:59): im home
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:32:12): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:33:16): what lida does now?
model (23.07.2007 15:43:48): break cup of tea
model (23.07.2007 15:43:51): hot tea
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:44:41): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:44:42):
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:44:56): she drinks it no panties?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:45:01):
model (23.07.2007 15:45:03): on herself she sit now red
model (23.07.2007 15:45:25): she always w/o panties on cam
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:45:32): mmmmm
model (23.07.2007 15:45:33): only nightie
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:45:35): can i see?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:45:37):
model (23.07.2007 15:45:56): she on on work place now
model (23.07.2007 15:46:00): she is on the kitchen
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:46:09): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:58:44): lad back now cam working?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:58:46): lida
model (23.07.2007 15:58:55): yes doing show
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:59:04): here?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:59:09): wowww
model (23.07.2007 15:59:17): no streamate
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:59:22): ohhhhh
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:59:28): sorry
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:59:31): i logged off there
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 15:59:33):
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:14:34): can I see lidas ass?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:14:42): or she went to eat
model (23.07.2007 16:14:44): why?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:17:09): why??
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:17:11): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:17:20): i guess I like asses
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:17:21):
model (23.07.2007 16:17:56): i always guess that she not showing ass for free
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:18:16):
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:48:52):
model (23.07.2007 16:49:01): ?
model (23.07.2007 16:49:47): cant find free ass?
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:50:39): i always pay girls
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:50:45): either cash or gifts
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:50:47): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (23.07.2007 16:56:12): im goinc into the city now we speak later

chrome_bumpers1212 (24.07.2007 15:06:07): you made the samples?
chrome_bumpers1212 (24.07.2007 15:06:23): I got money in western union account today

chrome_bumpers1212 (25.07.2007 12:36:03): what happen to samples?
chrome_bumpers1212 (25.07.2007 12:36:22): where to send money..address..name?

chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 10:47:57): where is nida?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 10:48:18): nida lida?
model (27.07.2007 11:01:45): hi
model (27.07.2007 11:01:48): wtf?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:02:11): what happen with you??
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:02:18): why you not answer in days???
model (27.07.2007 11:02:18): nothing
model (27.07.2007 11:02:32): cuz lida dont working last days
model (27.07.2007 11:02:36): she hav a period
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:02:45): is she ok today?
model (27.07.2007 11:02:53): no today not working too
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:02:58): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:03:04): i hope she feel better soon
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:04:59): I have ring sized
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:05:03): where to send?
model (27.07.2007 11:05:16): what about WU?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:05:27): cant send ring WU
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:05:37): only cash WU
model (27.07.2007 11:05:41): i know
model (27.07.2007 11:05:42): lol
model (27.07.2007 11:05:43):
model (27.07.2007 11:05:50): money via WU?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:05:52): you made poses?
model (27.07.2007 11:06:04): nop, I said she have a period
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:06:16): u said other day before period
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:06:19):
model (27.07.2007 11:06:33): what I say other day?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:06:45): you not remember?????
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:06:52):
model (27.07.2007 11:07:02): dont wanna searching history
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:07:32): was to send sample poses nude to see largest resolution
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:07:46): then buy the photos WU..make 25
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:07:56): $200
model (27.07.2007 11:08:11): I said that I was already send??
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:08:17): no
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:08:25): you said you was make sample poses
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:08:30): send me other days
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:08:34): never did
model (27.07.2007 11:08:50): noo if it ready now then will send it now
model (27.07.2007 11:08:59): but its not ready
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:09:02): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:09:13): i hope ready tomorrow?
model (27.07.2007 11:09:21): mb
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:09:23): I need address send ring also
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:09:36): lida or nida?
model (27.07.2007 11:09:41): lida
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:09:41): lada or nada?
model (27.07.2007 11:09:45): dont c yahoo name?
model (27.07.2007 11:09:50): lida
model (27.07.2007 11:09:52): Lidia
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:09:56): well that might be a flase name
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:10:00): not true
model (27.07.2007 11:10:04): true
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:10:23): lida sharipova?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:10:29): lol
model (27.07.2007 11:10:35): lol where u saw it ?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:10:43):
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:10:53): wimbledon
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:10:54):
model (27.07.2007 11:11:04): she is maria sharapowa
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:11:10): lol'
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:11:56): you weant me send WU MARIA SHARIPOVA RUSSIA?
model (27.07.2007 11:12:34): lets decide - ring is gift and money is for photos? or how?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:13:28): well ring is for gift but when she gets ring she will like so much she might send me more special fotos as gift from her?
model (27.07.2007 11:13:57): I dont know her mind
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:14:19): and your name?
model (27.07.2007 11:14:34): lol she is my wife, course
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:14:52): lok what is name?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:14:55): vladimir?
model (27.07.2007 11:15:01): fuck, alexey
model (27.07.2007 11:15:05): c at yahoo
model (27.07.2007 11:15:10): model
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:15:21): u name not lidia
model (27.07.2007 11:15:28): and hows?
model (27.07.2007 11:15:42): I write and c name "model"
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:15:50): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:15:56): what is your name?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:16:02): husband
model (27.07.2007 11:16:17): why u ask?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:16:29): we can be friends
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:16:33): i like know name
model (27.07.2007 11:16:38): Ivan
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:16:43): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:16:50): nice to know you I van
model (27.07.2007 11:16:55): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:17:11): my name is andre
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:17:14): real name
model (27.07.2007 11:17:24): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:17:38): andre wilson
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:17:42): mia mi florida
model (27.07.2007 11:17:49): i dont need yr surname dude
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:18:10): ywell ..I am not shy..
model (27.07.2007 11:18:25): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:18:50): and how do you know you not need it at western union?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:18:53): they might ask
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:18:55): lol
model (27.07.2007 11:19:13): may ask what?
model (27.07.2007 11:19:18): yr surname?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:19:19): my name
model (27.07.2007 11:19:24): I think no
model (27.07.2007 11:19:40): ok i note
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:19:57): do you like to see much money now?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:20:03): real?
model (27.07.2007 11:20:15): what a stupid question?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:20:29): $25,000.00
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:20:47): wait 10 minute
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:20:52): i go to my vault
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:20:54): brb
model (27.07.2007 11:20:55): u are trying to buy me? )
model (27.07.2007 11:35:04): cool
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:35:46): u see it ok?
model (27.07.2007 11:35:49): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:35:52): $25,000.00?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:35:55): ok
model (27.07.2007 11:36:03): dont count it
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:36:19): i had $75,000.00 in thr vault but it take too long to get all out
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:36:21):
model (27.07.2007 11:36:29): cool
model (27.07.2007 11:36:36): and why u show me it?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:36:37): so
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:36:38): ..
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:36:52): make me pretty sets of nida and i treat you very nice
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:36:55): ok friend?
model (27.07.2007 11:37:18): lol very nice with 25000
model (27.07.2007 11:37:28): do u know how say russians?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:37:34): well you not get so much first time
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:37:37): more later
model (27.07.2007 11:37:37): better trust for client is a prepaid
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:37:38): ok?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:38:07): and better trust for client is samples
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:38:11): nude
model (27.07.2007 11:38:14): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:38:20):
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:38:30): you saw I can pay
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:38:45): I have so much cash I don know what do with it
model (27.07.2007 11:39:09): buy a house
model (27.07.2007 11:43:14): I called to lida now
model (27.07.2007 11:43:21): and say about yr offer again
model (27.07.2007 11:44:56): she said that she send u some nude photos for preview but not 3000x3000 - only 800x600(nude as u want), and if u wanna check quality of digital camera she can send u 3000x3000 not nude. It all what she can do for free
model (27.07.2007 11:48:52): ?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:48:56): ?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:49:01): where u went?
model (27.07.2007 11:49:06): do u read what she said?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:49:12): no
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:49:17): was no words here
model (27.07.2007 11:49:20): she said that she send u some nude photos for preview but not 3000x3000 - only 800x600(nude as u want), and if u wanna check quality of digital camera she can send u 3000x3000 not nude. It all what she can do for free
model (27.07.2007 11:49:21): now?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:49:45): no
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:50:15): I want see how she makes a nudes in 3000x3000..it is fair I think as I giver her so much
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:50:20): I not ask for free
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:50:25): not a poor boy
model (27.07.2007 11:52:49): its her mind
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:54:06): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 11:54:10): I am sorry
model (27.07.2007 11:54:17): k
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:14:05): oops
model (27.07.2007 12:17:28): ?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:17:53): ?
model (27.07.2007 12:18:07): what is this?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:18:17): what?
model (27.07.2007 12:18:23): txt file
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:18:47): western union codes
model (27.07.2007 12:19:10): lol wanna send it to someone else?
model (27.07.2007 12:19:10):
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:19:29): you want it/?
model (27.07.2007 12:20:03): yep
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:20:13): then talk to lida
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:20:22): make the 3000x3000 smaples
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:20:26): samples
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:20:36): you have very quick
model (27.07.2007 12:20:40): i'll not push her
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:20:52): not pish
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:20:56): \push
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:21:00): ask very nice
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:21:09): tell her I showed you much cash
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:21:19): can be much for her
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:21:20): and you
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:21:44): is she next to you now?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:21:49): show me her cam
model (27.07.2007 12:21:50): she will only after get cash
model (27.07.2007 12:21:58): she not near now
model (27.07.2007 12:22:00): not home
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:22:06): not homwe?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:22:16): then how u ask her a few minutes ago?
model (27.07.2007 12:22:27): I said that i called her
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:22:33): lol
model (27.07.2007 12:23:05): via phone
model (27.07.2007 12:23:06):
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:23:13): where is she?
model (27.07.2007 12:23:33): go to police to do drivers license
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:23:44): ok
model (27.07.2007 12:24:53): u must understand we are earn about 300$/day and she dont wanna risk with yr offer
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:25:16): i am not risk
model (27.07.2007 12:25:21): risk
model (27.07.2007 12:25:25): we are dont know u
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:25:33): I am legit
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:25:59): do you work alone or for studio?
model (27.07.2007 12:26:01): we cant check it
model (27.07.2007 12:26:08): alone
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:26:29): i just showed you much cash
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:26:34): you not belive u eyes?
model (27.07.2007 12:26:49): eyes which saw cash? lol no
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:27:02): you not see any cash?
model (27.07.2007 12:27:06): i dont belive cash on display only real
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:27:13): that was real
model (27.07.2007 12:27:20): real in my hands
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:27:21): you think was illusion??
model (27.07.2007 12:27:29): no i think it was real
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:28:07): so what is the risk?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:28:10): you work alone
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:28:18): no studio to tell you what to do
model (27.07.2007 12:28:38): risk that u dont pay
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:28:52): u think i cant pay you $200?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:28:59): that is nothing to me
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:29:13): I make $10,000.00 per day
model (27.07.2007 12:30:07): she ask how much samples u need?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:30:31): maybe 3 or 4
model (27.07.2007 12:30:39): 2
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:30:47): 4
model (27.07.2007 12:30:49): 2
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:30:58): 4
model (27.07.2007 12:31:13): why not too? its only samples
model (27.07.2007 12:31:25): u dont wanna trust us, then we dont wanna trust u
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:31:46): i want see at different positons..then I can make what is best and choose more smaples I want made
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:32:02): samples
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:32:17): I showed you what you can trust in me
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:32:23): i showed u much cash
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:32:27): u showed me nothing
model (27.07.2007 12:32:35): then why 3000x3000 ?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:32:39): i told you
model (27.07.2007 12:32:43): 800x600 eniught for choose
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:32:44): is the size i want to buy
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:32:49): no 400x800
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:32:57): i not want use microscope to see it
model (27.07.2007 12:33:18): have bad eyes?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:33:21): I pay best price
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:33:25): i get best photos
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:33:59): you have a digital camera to mke 3000x3000..or only cheap camera to make 600x800?
model (27.07.2007 12:34:42): we have good cam
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:35:01): so prove it
model (27.07.2007 12:35:18): heh i can prove it woth non nude photos now
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:36:23): i dont want to buy non nude photos IVAN..I want purchase premium HIGH QUALITY nudes
model (27.07.2007 12:36:35): ok letsamples will be with water mark in ther centre of photo?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:37:00): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:37:05): are you serious?
model (27.07.2007 12:37:07): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:37:09): watermarks?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:37:39): if it is on the body then no
model (27.07.2007 12:37:59): if not on body then u can cut body
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:38:11): cut?
model (27.07.2007 12:38:13): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:38:13): what?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:38:29): why do i want cut ?
model (27.07.2007 12:38:42): i dont know how u wanna use thins content
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:38:59): I look at home
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:39:03): admire beauty
model (27.07.2007 12:39:28): are u crazy dude? never exclusive photos dont cost 200$ if its no any celebrities
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:39:54): are you crazy?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:40:07): you not think $200 is accepatable???
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:40:17): acceptable
model (27.07.2007 12:40:30): lol, if u wanna I can get u links for content providers and u will check prices
model (27.07.2007 12:40:38): its unbelivable
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:40:46): ok give me link
model (27.07.2007 12:41:19): http://nevest.net/
model (27.07.2007 12:41:55): http://www.adultphotovideo.com/
model (27.07.2007 12:42:03): http://www.studio-nikonoff.com/
model (27.07.2007 12:42:11): http://www.tcscontent.com/
model (27.07.2007 12:42:18): http://www.sex-modeling.com/
model (27.07.2007 12:42:22): more?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:44:52): Product ID: 304 Model name: Donna Images: 108 Resolution: 1280*821 Models: 1 Standard License: $29 All products with Donna
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:45:14): ???????
model (27.07.2007 12:45:29): what?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:45:35): Product ID: 304 Model name: Donna Images: 108 Resolution: 1280*821 Models: 1 Standard License: $29 All products with Donna
model (27.07.2007 12:45:44): i see
model (27.07.2007 12:45:48): and what u wanna say?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:45:58): you want $29 and not $200 for 25 photos?
model (27.07.2007 12:46:08): these are not 3000x3000
model (27.07.2007 12:46:21): now u belive me about prices?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:46:29): those prices are cheap
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:46:34): not expensive
model (27.07.2007 12:46:43): cuz these not exclusive
model (27.07.2007 12:46:59): exclusive 250-350$ - but its a hardcore content
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:47:14): who is hardcore?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:47:21): who is exclusive?
model (27.07.2007 12:47:45): ID: 01547 $250.00 Category: Hardcore, Exclusive Producer: Sebastano Perero Images: 98 File Size, MB: 45.81 Date Added: 08/23/2006 ID: 01545 $350.00 Category: Hardcore, Exclusive, Video Producer: Sebastano Perero Time of Video, min: 24 File Size, MB: 274.84 Date Added: 08/23/2006 Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products) Result Pages: 1 Home News Register Log In Affiliates Photographers F.A.Q Contact Resources
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:48:03): how many photos??
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:48:07): 98
model (27.07.2007 12:48:10): yes
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:48:12): I asked 25
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:48:16): $200
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:48:19): more later
model (27.07.2007 12:48:21): thats why its strange else
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:48:25): maybe $500
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:48:29): maybe $1000
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:48:48): who knows..so why you give such strange words?
model (27.07.2007 12:48:48): dont wanna prepaid and asking full quality samples
model (27.07.2007 12:49:10): nowhere, nobody provide full sized saples
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:49:17): I BUY ALL TIME
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:49:28): I SPENT LAST MONTH $3000 ON PHOTOS
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:49:42): HIGH PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS
model (27.07.2007 12:49:53): then why wasting time with me? nobody want give u samples for free?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:49:57): they glad to send me smaples because I pay good
model (27.07.2007 12:50:15): im not high professional photograph
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:50:29): so why argue such crazy talk
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:50:33): ?
model (27.07.2007 12:50:51): argue about what???
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:50:59): your prices
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:51:01): links
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:51:02): all
model (27.07.2007 12:51:19): any photographs doest matter for me
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:51:27): ok
model (27.07.2007 12:52:41): i say u my mind, u are strange dude which dont wanna prove with cash that u can pay and only asking for free full sized samples
model (27.07.2007 12:53:24): I offered u two, but u asking for 4... so no way for ralking more, two is my last offer for u, if no then try to look someone else
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:53:52): ok
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:54:03): do what you think is best
model (27.07.2007 12:54:25): then bye, and dont disturb me in the future
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:54:44): i think your a scammer
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:54:47): dont have shit
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:55:04): cant even send a sample
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:55:06): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:55:15): i know business dude
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:55:21): I own 5
model (27.07.2007 12:55:34): hey i was't outrage u
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:57:42): put your silly watermarks
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:57:46): i dont care
model (27.07.2007 12:59:18): do what u want dude, dont wanna more wasting time with u, and I will report all my girls that u a time waster
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:59:34): ur crazy
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:59:39): you just a scammer
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:59:45): u cant prove anything
model (27.07.2007 12:59:55): fuck scammer is u!
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 12:59:59): u scammer
model (27.07.2007 13:00:03): telling me bullshit
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:00:05): dont have a single sample??
model (27.07.2007 13:00:11): dont have
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:00:17): I know people like you
model (27.07.2007 13:00:19): and will dont send u if I get
model (27.07.2007 13:00:48): if early I was wanting to do 2 samples for u, then now I will not
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:00:57): you take the $1000 and never send shit
model (27.07.2007 13:01:08): I know time wasters like u
model (27.07.2007 13:01:12): only words..
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:01:13): u not have even 1 sample
model (27.07.2007 13:01:14): nothing more
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:01:17): u scammer
model (27.07.2007 13:01:23): go fuck yourself
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:01:28): your a crook
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:02:04): I am going to have your IP traced now and send to russian authoritties there
model (27.07.2007 13:02:19): lol
model (27.07.2007 13:02:33): u cant cuz i use VPN
model (27.07.2007 13:02:35): hahaha
model (27.07.2007 13:02:36):
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:02:54): wanna bet what cant be traced?????
model (27.07.2007 13:03:06): try it )))))))))))))))))))))
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:03:10): this is yahoo u moron
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:03:23): easiest thing to trace
model (27.07.2007 13:03:27): it will works but u'll get fake ip DDD
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:03:36): thats what u think
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:03:38):
model (27.07.2007 13:03:42): ok do it dude
model (27.07.2007 13:03:44): hahaha
model (27.07.2007 13:03:48): u are guys so stupid
model (27.07.2007 13:04:14): I have to finish high school about net security
model (27.07.2007 13:06:46): so got ip?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:08:24): not only that but will also have every chat log from your id at yahoo
model (27.07.2007 13:08:40): and what?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:10:06): and ...............................
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:10:10): you will see not to fuck with people who are well capable of doing almost anything in life.
model (27.07.2007 13:10:43): unreal u are so smart D
model (27.07.2007 13:13:21): are u a god dude?
model (27.07.2007 13:13:29): fuck dont kill me and dont report anything )
model (27.07.2007 13:13:30): aaaaaa
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:35:40): i did it
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:35:43): was easy
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:35:47): lol
model (27.07.2007 13:35:59): now say me ip
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:36:23): the authorities will
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:36:24): lol
model (27.07.2007 13:36:27): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:36:48): u will sweat now thinking your fate
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:36:49):
model (27.07.2007 13:36:59): ok then I will report to yrs that u ask me for provie for u illegal stuff DDDDDDD
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:37:43): everything u do and have logged on yahoo...even webcam is illegal there
model (27.07.2007 13:37:58): yahoo illegal? lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:38:06): your activities
model (27.07.2007 13:38:15): u mean shows on yahoo?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:38:15): so...............
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:38:30): DONT TRY TO FUCK ME
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:38:41): because
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:38:50): I WILL FUCK UP SCAMMERS
model (27.07.2007 13:39:02): fuck u dude
model (27.07.2007 13:39:56): unbelivable where is so stupid guys
model (27.07.2007 13:40:23): maybe u wanna come to russia and do private talk with me? D
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:41:18): li can do it..I can have a plane ticket within 3 hours and be there by sunday morning
model (27.07.2007 13:41:28): lol
model (27.07.2007 13:41:51): I think u must go to ignore list NOW
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:42:09): you afraid now scammer?
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:42:13): lol
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:42:28): only scammers mess with ignore list
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:42:42): damn you provide me with more and more information
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:43:18): have fun when everything you have is confiscated
chrome_bumpers1212 (27.07.2007 13:43:19): lol
model (27.07.2007 13:54:49): oh fuck they come here and wanna confiscate all fuck noooooooooooo
model (27.07.2007 16:37:46): hey idiot
model (27.07.2007 16:39:14): stop spaming me from others yahoo ids and font try to fuck around me and else u can put yr money in yr stupid ass DD

#93602 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 13:38 в Трёп

Вот девушке заниматься больше нечем :stuart:

столько дней надеяться на перевод--это глупо,как минимум

самое смешное что этот уродец еще мне рассказывает про ip трэйсы и прочее :)

З.Ы. это я кстати переводчик в данном случае все дни что он доканывал нас :D

Этот кретин решил теперь стучаться с других id и с понтом дела хочет шоу купить, но я выкупаю его на раз :)
только вдруг он какнить проведет меня и всетаки получит шоу... Я просто боюсь малоли он запишет шоу и начнет потом шантажировать и прочее..

#93604 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 13:54 в Трёп

А как он может провести? Пообещать денег в 10 раз больше и вы согласитесь?

не ну он всмысле может стукнуться и прикинуться мембером с вебкамлайв допустим тогоже, ну и может ведь купить шоу на 10 минут допустим.
Щас то когда он стучится с новых акков получается вот так:

taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:55:40): hello
model (27.07.2007 13:55:44): hi
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:55:58): you mae video on yahoo?
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:56:00): make
model (27.07.2007 13:56:08): course
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:56:19): when is you do it?
model (27.07.2007 13:56:26): when r u want?
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:56:43): maybe tomorrow?
model (27.07.2007 13:56:55): how much time u want?
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:57:14): what is time peole get?
model (27.07.2007 13:57:26): 10-20-30-40-50-60mins?
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:57:42): how much price?
model (27.07.2007 13:57:49): 2$/min
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:58:02): is clear cam?
model (27.07.2007 13:58:11): good cam
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:58:31): i like clear cam when i cam chat
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:58:39): no blurry
model (27.07.2007 13:58:50): logitech 5000 pro says something for u?
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:59:17): i know logitech..but not the 5000
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:59:36): is the model there?
model (27.07.2007 13:59:49): which model?
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 13:59:55): on the foto
model (27.07.2007 13:59:58): yes
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 14:00:06): can see her ?
model (27.07.2007 14:00:10): where u found me?
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 14:00:38): a friend said he done video here ..he gave me address
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 14:00:43): i hope u not angry?
model (27.07.2007 14:00:49): which friend?
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 14:00:57): he told me not tell
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 14:00:59): sorry
model (27.07.2007 14:01:05): then bye
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 14:01:15): why bye?
model (27.07.2007 14:01:25): u dont wanna tell me who is yr friend
model (27.07.2007 14:01:34): maybe mike sandowski DD lol
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 14:01:44): he asked me no tell might bring him trouble
taffy sweet (27.07.2007 14:01:55): who that?
model (27.07.2007 14:02:01): then go to see yr friend at cam - not me

#93605 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 14:00 в Трёп

забыл еще написать - этот идиот показывал нам в камеру пачки баксов про которые он говорил 25.000$ - не думаю что он их сидел и печатал :))

#93608 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 14:11 в Трёп

Либо меняй id либо досконально проверяй всех.
В данной ситуации виноват сам, в следующий рах сразу игнор и все. Разозлил человека теперь он не отстанет. Причем он реально понимает что насолить тебе может, а ему за это ни фига не будет.

ну вот уж лично мне ничем насолить он неможет :) да и модели посути тоже, разве что действительно начнет пугать записями приватов (если конечно еще и получит их) нуда неприятно, но не смертельноже.

#93617 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 15:27 в Трёп

нее в нашем случае пока все замечательно, он успешно был отослан нахрен и даже сэмплов неполучил :)

#93627 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 16:15 в Трёп

О ЧЁМ, СОБСТВЕННО РАЗГОВОР??? О людях, которые вместо работы занимаются хз чем, и хотят ещё студию свою на*бать? О переводчике, который ОТВРАТИТЕЛЬНО знает англ язык?? О дебилах?? Да этот турок, или кто бы он ни был, по-моему и то умнее вас, простите, конечно... Выкладывать такое, только позориться! Сразу было ясно, что это развод, зачем вы тратили на него время?? Сидели бы работали.... мляяяя я зла....

так без пиздежа попрошу.
Мы работаем дома, с женой. А ни накакой ни на студии ясно?
насчет заработков еще помериться можем...

#93629 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 16:22 в Трёп

нет, дорогая, я не о них!!!! Я о тех, кто на такой ОЧЕВИДНЫЙ скам ведётся, и вместо работы с этими скаммерами общается!
-нех давай яху всем подряд
-нех когда ты работаешь в студии пытаться левачить
-УЧИТЕ ЯЗЫК, господа!!!!!!!!!

:censoree: :censoree: :censoree:

Язык учим на практике, уж незнаю где его учили вы, а я учил только в школе, и с окончания мной школы уже прошло 5 лет.
Английский я знаю на уровне (читать, переводить могу) говорю/пишу не очень хорошо да есть такое, но невижу повода для оскорбления меня :(
Давайте я начну вам щас рассказывать какой я администратор и как хорошо умею паять микрухи, думаю что вы это неможете делать.
Знания моего английского считаю вполне достаточным для заработков, ну и как показыват практика очень достаточным, работаем уже полгода и все Ok все меня понимают, денег зарабатываеш неплохо.

#93632 mike sandowski - ОСТОРОЖНО!

Отправлено от rst630 27 Июль 2007 - 16:26 в Трёп

ну ладно, пункт со студией исключаем... одна фигня. Выставлять свою тупость напоказ, ещё и правда наивно полагать, что кому-то чем-то поможешь- неумно. Я очень рада за ваши с женой зароботки, меряться ничем не собираюсь, хотя бы потому, что для меня эта работа- не способ выживания, я работаю когда есть настроение, и если срочно на что-то нужна большая сумма денег. Я тебе от всей души советую подучить язык, особенно грамматику. Могу посоветовать хороший учебник.

Ну знаетели мы тут тоже суткаи не пашем, это просто я постоянно за компом и постоянна включенная яха, и я могу себе позволить пиздеть хоть целый день

#94049 wildorchidz.com

Отправлено от rst630 31 Июль 2007 - 09:30 в Общие вопросы

Чё-то на жасмин вообще похоже. Ну в смысле некоторые детали похожи.Хотя моделей в 10 раз меньше, может это типа joyourself-2...

да хрена там жасмин... софт у них какбудто чуть чуть переделанный стримэйтовский... Гостей там ломится дофига, а вот мемберов чето маловато

#96155 Webcamlive.co.uk

Отправлено от rst630 18 Август 2007 - 16:58 в Общие вопросы

Интересно узнать кто как получает деньги от Webcamlive.co.uk. Если ваером, то съедается 10% от минималки, т.е. другими словами получаешь не 75%, а 65% при минималке в 330 долларов. Траффик там не очень большой, поэтому много не заработаешь за период. А на чеках можно сэкономить на его выпуске, только дольше их наличить. Да и минималка - 215. В общем кто как работает? Подскажите плиз.

они платят на epassporte